The E.G.G 2009 Schedule (Subject to Change)
Project: Edmonton Green Map
The creation of an online, publicly accessible, open-source map of the Edmonton featuring places of natural interest and the location of publicly available food.
Entrails: Finding funding, familiarizing ourselves with Google Maps, canvasing the city for publicly available food sources, networking with other groups and organizations.
Project: Green Roof ???
There should be a large question mark next to this item. There has been some discussion of creating a green roof on top of a prominent Edmonton Business (with owner consent). A lot of things need to line up before this can become a reality (fingers crossed).
Entails: Finding funding, networking with other groups and organizations, further discussions with the business owner.
Project: Native Plant Garden
The continuation of the reclamation of an abandoned home site in the Mill-Creek Ravine area. The site has been abandoned for some time and currently consists of some rubble and a lot of invasive, non-native species. We started cleaning the site up and planting Edmonton native plants last fall and would love to continue improving and learning from the site.
I also see some potential to play around with some permaculture principals and to include many native edible plants.
Entails: Acquiring more native seed and plant material (Bedrock Seeds, Edmonton Naturalization Group).
Project: Monthly Mass Plantings
The original Guerrilla Gardening act; we've decided to concentrate on three of four larger plantings this year as opposed to many sporadic little ones (though we still encourage it). There has been talk about doing one large planting for each of May, June, and July. We are, however, looking to be starting some seeds now.
Entails: Finding three to four suitable locations (publicly accessible, visible, etc), acquiring seeds and plants.
Project: Edible Plant Garden
The returning of the Edmonton Guerrilla Gardeners to a previous spot and adding more food producing plants. Dare I say edible food forest?
Entails: Learning more about the history of the site, consulting professionals on the creation of edible food forests, acquiring plant material.
Project: Community Garden
Last year, we were able to plant a vegetable garden together as a group. At the end of the summer, the food was collected and donated to the food bank. We would welcome the opportunity to do this again this year.
Entails: Finding a suitable Community Garden within the city (Let's Get Dirty Garden?), starting some vegetables prior to planting.
Project: Edible Plant Propagation
Tying in with the Edmonton Green Map a few of us thought it would be fun to take cuttings from many of Edmonton's Saskatoons (and other food producing plants) then propagate, and replant along the boarder of the river valley.
Entails: Consulting a professional on the propagation of Saskatoons and other edible plants, locate suitable plants for cutting/seed gathering.